Thursday, January 23, 2014

Today's Workout

Hello there! Here is what I did for a workout today. I am not a trainer, however I am studying exercise physiology so I'm almost a trainer :) and I am not a power lifter by any means, I'm just a girl who loves working out and who wants to get a little more toned before her wedding :)

 Today was leg day! Before any workout, you want to make sure you warm up first. For my warm up I jogged 1 lap on the track (400m) and did some walking lunges, leg swings, and body squats. Now it's time for the workout! This workout is for gaining muscle and strength. Each workout had 4 sets with 8 repetitions. Make sure you are taking a full rest! 

1. Squat with weight
    Pick a weight that you can get about 8 reps (not too easy, I did 100 lbs today) with any squat you want to make sure you are driving through your heals and to make sure the knee is not going past the toe. Ideally you should be in a 90 degree angle, but if you cannot get down that far, go as far as comfortable!
2. Romanian Dead Lift
    I used the squat bar, make sure you keep the knees bent and the back straight!
3. Weighted Lunge
     With this either use the bar or use 2 dumbbells, I stay on one leg for the 8 reps and then switch legs, but you can switch legs after 1 rep if you want. Pick a weight that is challenging for you. I used a 30 pound weight, or a bar with 2 10 pounds on each side for a total of 65.
4. Single leg dead lift
     Use 1 dumbbell in your left hand and use your right leg, and vise versa. Get the weight as low as possible, remember to keep the knee slightly bent, I used one weight, which was a 30 lb.
5. Weighted calf raises
     With this i used the bar again and did 3 sets of 12 for these with both legs (65 lb, but it was pretty easy)

I also did some hanging abs, I would recommend using a captains chair if one is available to you because I always find my hands hurt at about rep 7,(and I wear lifting gloves, which do help) so with these I do 10 reps and then rest to give my hands a break.
I did 3 sets of 10

I also ran about 1.5 miles at speed 7 on a 1% grade, on a treadmill you want to make sure you run at least on a 1% grade because if not then the treadmill is basically doing all the work for you, and a 1% grade is equivalent to running outside. I then walked until I reached 2 miles. (this was several hours after I lifted) 

Remember to cool down and stretch after each workout! And to drink plenty of water before, during and after your workouts!

This was a great workout and I can feel it in my legs and butt already! Let me know if you try these lifts and how they work for you! Remember to exhale as you power through the lift, usually when we count the rep is when you breath out, its a good reminder!

Have a good one!- Jenna


Welcome! I am a girl currently living in a small town, going to college in her senior year! I am engaged and will be getting married this summer as well as graduating college and moving into a place of my own! Come join me on this crazy journey! Currently I am studying exercise physiology so you can expect this blog to contain some fitness tips and tricks so stay tuned! 

I want this blog to contain a little bit of everything! Health and Fitness, recipes, fashion, beauty, home decor, wedding name it! 

I will also take requests such as workout tips for toning, or weight loss, ect. Just let me know!

Much love, Jenna