Sorry for the lack of blogging, school got a little crazy! Anyway, today's workout was abs. This routine can be done just about anywhere, there's only one move I did that involved using a hanging bar or a captains chair, but if one isn't available don't worry about it! Here is what I did: I first started with a warm up:
30 reps of each exercise
-toe touches
-regular crunch
-feet flat crunch
-single leg raise hold for one minute each leg
-side crunches
-front plank for one minute (or however long you can go)
-side plank for one minute on each side (or however long you can go)
-leg raises
-cross over crunch
-hanging leg raises to front and to side
-side bends with 30lb weight (if you don't have a weight, substitute for standing opposite arm and leg cross over)
After this workout, I could really feel my hip flexors and my abs being so tired! A great feeling!