Thursday, December 4, 2014


As promised here is a really easy and fun DIY Christmas project! Sweater stockings! An easy way to get rid of some old holiday sweaters or even a fun trip to the thrift store with your sister-in-law! These are really easy to make and require very little skill. 

First find the sweater you like for the stockings. Both my sweaters cost me under $10 at my local thrift store. Depending on the type of sweater and how thick it is, you will need yarn or thread. I used a thick yarn needle.

Next, take some cardboard and trace out your stencil. It took a couple tries to get the right size and shape. Cut it out.

Make sure your sweater is turned inside out until all the sewing is done. I used the bottom of the sweater for the top of my stocking since it has the original sewing. I also made the top a little longer than my stencil so I could fold the top over when I was finished. I traced my stencil on the sweater using a permanent marker. 

If your sweater does not have buttons on it, lay the stencil so one edge of the stocking has the original sewing from the sweater, it makes life so much easier. (I did move mine to the left after I took this picture) :)

If your sweater has cute buttons like one of mine did, then you have to sew both sides. 

Once your all done sewing, turn the stocking right side out and you are finished! You can add fur on the top if you like, or just fold the tops over. Also, do not forget to add either yarn or fabric from the sweater to the top to hang it from! Here is the final product (we don't have a fireplace)

Happy DIY!

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